Get Home Assistant talking through Sonos speaker using Googles Text-To-Speech service

In our house we have different automations that use our Sonos speakers to say something. For example if Aurora (our daughter) opens her window, the speaker in the kitchen tells us. Our alarm also warns us if any intrusion is registred at night when we are sleeping. To do this…

Updating Home Assistant without anything breaking

One of my primary and very important goals working with Home Assistant is that I want to be able to update Home Assistant at any time without anything breaking in my setup, for example integrations, automations, scripts etc. I simply don’t want to have to do rework after an update,…

Split your configuration up in multiple files

After some time doing a lot of stuff in configuration.yaml, I found that I needed to make a much more clean setup, where things were split up in multiple files instead of all automations being in automations.yaml etc. Basically my configuration.yaml and automations.yaml files contained thousands of lines making them…